
your cryin eyes

Dominus I


3 Years
Dire wolf

Valentines 2020Critical Hit!
09-07-2019, 02:49 PM (This post was last modified: 09-07-2019, 02:52 PM by Dominus I.)

Dual-tone blue eyes gleamed as they flashed to her for just a second when she started to speak. She answered about Motif and he gave a flick of his ear in response, but nothing more. His eyes returned to face forward, watching the rodents as he continued to run. He could easily outrun her, but he did not. He kept in league with her own pace and carefully surveyed the area around them.

He wanted to get to higher ground, to see what was going on in the distance. He wasn't exactly built for climbing, but a sideways grown tree would have to do. He turned toward the tree, accidentally stepping on a rat in the process but he did not stop. Talons gripped the bark of the tree as well as possible as he kept his momentum, legs quickly excelling him forward hopefully before his weight sent him back to the start of the tree.

Once he made it up to where it was mostly horizontal, he could finally stop. The tree swayed under the weight of the behemoth and he nervously stood still as he wondered if it would break- so far, it did not. Once the swaying settled down, he moved up the trunk of the tree, his nose pushing through leaves until he found an opening big enough to see in the direction he suspected the problem.


It filled the air and partially obstructed his view of the moon, though still remained far in the distance.. from the mountains that birthed him. His eyes narrowed as he remembered it's fit last year, though judging from how far they were and the animals were still running? He hoped it wasn't any worse than last year, but he was concerned.

He looked for the girl in his company now, the muscles in his limbs burning from his awkward weight distribution on the trunk of the tree. It worried him that she didn't know where her sister was, but he wanted to get this lost girl home.

"I am sorry to hear about your sister, but you should not be out here alone. I promise to look for her, but you must let me take you back to your family." Preferrably before they came looking for her then caught the two of them together and assumed the worst.

Dominus sighed as he tried to carefully get himself back down from the trunk of the tree. Getting down was nowhere near as easy as getting up had been, and once he got to the base where the tree started to curve more, he started to slide. Though his talons would attempt to grip the bark, they were not built for such a thing- all four on both front paws began to splinter, a few bleeding before he was finally low enough where he could leap back to the earth.

A fucked up face and now frayed claws? This night was proving to be a pain in his ass. As much as he wanted to find somewhere to rest, the volcano and the lost girl kept him motivated to remain with her until she was home, safe.

Dominus has a black snake that stalks him. Unless mentioned already by me, it is welcomed to powerplay this snake and allow your character to notice it somewhere in your posts.
Dominus says bad words, he can also be very unstable. All Dominus' threads are mature.