
lay me down on a bed of roses


07-24-2013, 11:53 PM
ooc: Sorry for lack of table...on my brother's computer.

Aeil wasn't sure where she was going as her paws moved across the land. The familiar ground was underneath her, but the path itself was indeed a mystery. She looked with beckoning eyes as she walked past the familiar signs of Seracian life - the tall pines, the gentle breezes, not to mention the wildlife that appeared every now and then before popping behind the safety of those said trees. All in all, it was a serene place with a curious taste to the journey she was taking.

She didn't have to go far until she realized there was a group of wolves not too far from where she stood. Scents of different kinds and numerous scenarios to explain their combined presence danced around in Aeil's mind. The quiet wolf, with her mind and gut working together for once, carried herself to the location they were all standing. What she first saw were the different colors of her pack's pelts, shimmering in the light that was given by the sun bleakly shining through the rain. A few familiar scents reached her nose, but Gerhardt's own was the one that stood out.

Her dark pelt blended in and yet stood out from the group as she made her way through the bodies to meet the King. Rain began to soak her pelt as she stood a good distance from Gerhardt and the burial mound. After her eyes had roved over the large pile of dirt, she figured that someone had just been laid to rest. Instead of rushing up to Gerhardt with a friendly gesture and caring eyes, she kept her respected distance from the King. In times like these, it was more appropriate to approach one after the ceremony had been run through. So, she merely met Gerhardt's gaze, gave him a gentle and sweeping nod in his direction, and patiently waited to see what would unfold.