
Stop beatin' around the bush



11 Years
07-25-2013, 12:28 AM (This post was last modified: 07-25-2013, 03:24 PM by Bane.)
Bane had grown a noticeable limp in his stride in the past few days after Adette's funeral, the right forelimb being the responsible leg. It was foolish to have carved upon his flesh the new design on his Talutah mark by himself, the ceremonial antler going too deep and grazed a muscle. It forced his gouging to a stop as he waited for it to heal. The slash across the mark had been a good thing, a certain burdening weight being lifted off of his back and not returning since.

But he needed to relax his bruised muscle, the hot-springs of the eastern lands sounding like a good place to do it, with their warm waters and high salt count one as old as he could feel weightless and have everything soothed away after a couple of hours. As he got closer, ears could hear bubbling, nose smelling the almost nonexistent scent of salt. That caused him to give pause, a leg hovering over the ground as he pondered for a moment. Were the hot-springs created by the northern eruption? It was a curiosity and something he would never find out, so he continued on. Bane covering a few stides before closing his eyes and sniffing as an even stranger scent infiltrated his nose. The salty smell was hardly noticeable... but the heat of a female was prominent in the wind shift.

The grey wolf hobbled the rest of the way to the top of the hot-springs shoreside embankment and peered past the grass to see the source of that arousing smell. A white she-wolf across the opposite side of a shallow spring. Bane arooed a greeting and strafed down the side of the embankment until forepaws touched the shallows opposite her side. He wondered what she would do, for she smelled of Amenti and Bane didn't know what type of relationship Seracia and the pack of females had towards one another. "Hello she-wolf, is the spring a good temperature? Or is it to hot?"
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•