


07-25-2013, 09:05 AM
Kaveh Kyra

Kaveh was relieved to see that he hadn't creeped her out with his sudden compliment. On the contrary, she seemed absolutely thrilled by it. She even gave him a compliment in return! A matching huge grin attached itself to his muzzle and his tail gently thumped against the ground as well purely just from the sight of her smile. "I could be happy for the rest of my life if I could see that smile everyday," he thought, his heart fluttering in his chest. He was so happy to hear her voice again when she agreed to come explore the island with him.

She jumped across the thin river with ease and when she landed on his side of the water their shoulders brushed against each other. The unexpected touch was a shock to his system, tingles radiating through his body. She sat down beside him and suddenly they were mere inches if that away from each other, if even that much. Her sapphire gaze was intoxicating from a distance, but this close he got absolutely lost in it. "Your eyes are lovely," he told her softly, his baritone little more than a rumble in his chest. With a grin on his muzzle he stood and motioned with his head toward the trees. "Shall we?"

He padded alongside her further in toward the center of the island, never more than a few inches from her. The lovely fea's presence was addicting to the brute, he couldn't get enough. He could barely pay attention to the beautiful island around them because he was so focused on her and trying to figure out what about her made his heart flutter in his chest and his stomach tie in knots. "Will you tell me a little about yourself?" he asked hopefully, his seafoam green eyes meeting hers once again.
