
Backyard Adventures



10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - LesbianBeeventVolcano
09-09-2019, 03:44 PM
He'd got some bumps on his head? Hm. She pursed her lips as she leaned toward him and tried to get a better look, though without nosing through the fur at the top of his head there wasn't much she could see. "Bumps from hitting your head? Or something else? Do they hurt?" Asvor pressed him as she lifted a brow, curious as to what had caused the bumps. Maybe they were minor and nothing worth worrying about, but until she learned more about his symptoms and what had preceded them she couldn't be sure.

He was quick to follow after her, earning a grin directed in the boy's direction. She was grateful for both his company and the fact that he didn't feel a need to fill the void of silence that settled between them with pointless chatter. Talking was fine and all, but pointless talking wasn't her thing - especially when their was work to be done. As they neared the spot she'd directed them toward, Alarr was quick to spot the yarrow and head straight toward it, beginning to dig some up without hesitation.

Asvor wasn't far behind, only slightly less eager as she too found a bunch of the herb and begin to dig at the dirt, loosing the roots before gingerly trying to pull some up. Perhaps if she could bring some back near her den she could attempt to re-plant them.. not that there was much growing time left this season, if any at all. Either way, it was worth the attempt. "It's good for bleeding and bites - so I've heard. Haven't had a chance to try it myself, but worth keeping around, just in case." Perhaps Legion had been lucky in not attracting much trouble yet, but she knew peace was an illusion easily shattered, and being prepared was always a safe bet.