
I know you like no other




The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

11 Years
Dire wolf

LegendaryWealthySamhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
WordySilver Medal 2020Critical Hit!Critical Fail!Trick 2019Promptober 2019
09-09-2019, 08:38 PM

Her demeanor changed from quite to vengeful with hardly a warning. She gave a cry of rage, and that was all the heads up he was given. He braced himself for her onslaught as she slammed against him, her petite frame hitting his. He was like a rock, solid, sturdy, but still he grunted as she collided.

He raised a paw to swipe defensively at her, tilting his shoulder to take the brunt of his force, and he aimed to use his paws to swipe at her own feet. He wasn’t trying to hurt her, but he was giving her something to use. She wanted to fight? He would give her a fight. She needed something to wail and wreak havoc against. He would be her sounding board, always and forever, and today he would be her punching bag.

“Tell me” he growled as he aimed to knock his head lightly against the side of her muzzle. He kept his fangs well clear of her, and his companions stayed back. They would not interfere without his bidding, and he would not set them upon his childhood friend.

Sirius vs Deathbelle for dominance
Round One of ?
Size: Dire Wolf
Build: Medium
Mutation: Fangs
Fight Skill Level: Master
Specialty: Weaponsmaster
