
[CLOSED] Helcere Pups!

all adopted!



09-10-2019, 04:17 AM (This post was last modified: 09-10-2019, 06:19 AM by Visitor.)
OOC name; Viridris
Pup’s Name; Colden, Crispin/Crispus, Irvin, Quilo, Cardinal (I’m having a bit of a dilemma with the name choice so I may remove or add a few. Please feel free to suggest if anything pops to mind)
Gender; Male
Alignment; Lawful good
Measurements; Height: Large 36-42 Heavy build

Appearance; (Design 1) He emerges from the frigid depths of ice and snow sporting a pristine stark pelt, undeniable to his heritage to the northern front. However he is no mere cut-glass ice statue to be fawned at and treated delicately. Much like the towering mountains of his home, he is bulky and steadfast since childhood not so easy to be knocked down or pushed around. A cool grey grips the nape of his neck before conquering the majority of his back in its steely ruggedness. The edge of its markings end in a sharp feathered streak. The grey is separated by an unsuspecting blond slash that may be the only ‘smile’ he is willing in admitting to bear against a festering seriousness and competitiveness inside him. This same cold stone hue ravages the plump tail of the boy whilst simultaneously outlining thick sturdy legs. A harsher ashen hue brings focus to the youth's seemingly funny large paws. However it's the intricate marking on the boys face that emerges pridefully in contrast to the entirety of his appearance. With closer inspection, one may say it resembles an avian figure of sorts - with its wings spread open and his vigilant azure gaze it may be an indication of a growing desire to protect.

Personality; In his childhood, he will sport a keen sense of wonder for the world, particularly the homeland he is raised in. He is that child that begs his parents to recount just one more story of their legendary battles against formidable foes and aspires to be just as strong as them, if not more. From youth he will hold an interest in athletics; determined to master the art of battle. Though it is not to say that he looks down upon other forms of strength. He values knowledge just as much and treasures the words of wisdom he receives although he may not understand them or accept them, in the beginning. He has no interest in having his name written down in history books. His one and only purpose is to be worthy of serving Winterfell and his family. This can often lead to high expectations he imposes himself which result in him being too focused to achieve these expectations to enjoy the simple pleasures of life.

Loss is a bitter pill to swallow. Praise holds little meaning if inside he still feels defeated. What chaos he may hold is a personal battle with the self rather than an insult taken from a stranger. The opinions of others are of little importance, unless it is an exasperated sigh of disappointment from a revered elder or family member. When discovered the cruelty and harshness of life amid all the wonders, his trust will be slow to earn. However once proven, his loyalty is boundless. This can be seen in the way he carries himself bearing  core values of the pack and his undying love to kin.

Plans; It is unlikely (although not impossible) for him to leave winterfell unless it comes with reasons of necessity such as food/missions etc. He is too duty-bound to be going on spontaneous explorations. However that is not to say that I’m not hoping for some spice ;)

Fighting and Hunting/Intellect
- He strives for Lord Commander(Fighting - ?)/ Lord Commander of the Kingsguard (Fighting Bodyguard/Defender?)
- May also settle for Master of War where he will be actively training those who wish to hone their skills (Intellect Professor?)

Cost; do you need a free pup? Yes. I’m a rookie :x
Are you buying anything for your pup?
Considering I’m a newbie I have 400 gems to spend if I'm not mistaken.

If the marking on the muzzle of design one classifies as one of the following:

400 Regular Shaped Markings* You may have shapes like hearts or stars on your character.
300 Odd Shaped Markings* Your character may have extreme swirls or any irregularly shaped pattern on its coat.
Then I will initially spend on that. I’m gonna need help deciding which one it is though.
Afterwards I’m hoping to earn enough AP to spend on extra height to exceed 36 inches

RP Sample;(This sample is of a character of mine. Hope it’s alright) Breathe boy, breathe. The baritone voice echoes from the cavernous depths of Kitai’s mind.  Y’see that hunk of meat? That’s key to y’er future.  Chartreuse eyes do not falter from the piece of carcass that remains separated from the rest. A rosy tongue brushes parched lips as saliva builds up in his mandible. Y’get that, you win. Lids close as the pup slowly takes in the crisp night air. The oxygen enters his body quieting the unsolicited voice from his past. Kitai was lucky to come across two skilled hunters with such a tremendous catch. The duo was now deep in slumber after savoring their spoils of the hunt. As the boy’s skeletal body shifts into position, the tambourines inside his rib cage begin their mantra. First, they are slow long beats; as the earthen boy creeps towards the gnawed hind leg of some creature of a larger stature he couldn’t recognize in the darkness of the night. Gentle and calculating, Kitai aims to hold the leg on the thinner area, where the bone was exposed. A quick glance darts back at adults as he begins to leave the area, seemingly undetected. “Bunch of Eejits.” He snickers, trotting with confidence still holding his new found prize. The tambourines almost cease their chant, almost, until a figure darker than night itself emerges before the boy. “You didn’t think you’d get away that easy, did you now?”