
we all survive in our own little ways

ft deathbelle


09-10-2019, 07:19 PM
Hemlock was no coward.

okay, maybe that was a bit of a lie. he had some fear in him, but he had done nothing wrong in this instance. nothing to warrant him running away with his tail between his legs anyway. he turned boldly, facing the woman who had called out to him. his expression was even, looking her over briefly to commit her face to memory before answering. she was beautiful, but that was beside the point right at this second. his eyebrow raised at her before his focus dropped to the pronghorn.

"I brought your pack some substance" Hemlock answered her before walking back to his kill and nudging it forward ever so slightly. focusing his ember gaze on her again, he held it there. did wolves not help each other out here? either way... he had no further use for the body, so he felt it was better giving it to his fellow wolves than letting other predators at it. "use it or not, it makes no difference to me. and no, it isn't poisoned." he flashed her a little smirk as if expecting the question sooner or later.

he bowed his head, carefully ripping into the side of the pronghorn before chewing a small piece. he made sure to swallow it in visible sight. then he waited, tilting his head and wondering what the woman would do. if it truly was poisoned, he'd drop dead soon enough.