
we all survive in our own little ways

ft deathbelle


09-10-2019, 08:13 PM
he didn't keel over, which he supposed would be amusing considering he didn't poison it in the first place. perhaps the gods here were kind and wanted him around for something. either way, she thanked him and asked if he would perhaps drag it back to where they were staying. a brow lifted in question; had the eruption caused this pack to flee? he assumed they'd be out of the blast zone, safe enough. Hemlock mulled her question over, finding nothing he particularly wanted from this pack but knowing he should say something else he appear weak.

"a lovely lady like yourself, convincing me to do the work for her? not much is needed" he replied effortlessly though not unkindly. but he only wanted one thing out of them. he had been sleeping in the open for days now, and it was cause for suspicion. the west offered no formal protection with its flat landscape. if he could use these wolves for protection for a day... well, it would be in his favor. "all I want in return is a place to rest my head for a day and night. mingle. chat with others of my kind." he asked so little, and would not apply more conditions.

Hemlock needed to recover from his journey to Boreas before setting out for his sister's location anyway. but he also knew that a stranger in their pack's lands was pushing it. "though I will stay away from den sites; just the outskirts." to the man, it seemed a simple request. but to her, a pack wolf, it may be asking a lot.