
The long road


Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
09-12-2019, 06:48 PM

She was always happy to see theory, and she still thought of her first as her pupil. This was definitely a rough way to learn, thrown in the deep end, but at least they had each other. She was glad Theory would get a real taste of being Alpha before the pack was handed to her, but not like this, not in the wake of a disaster.

“Theory,” She said, leaning over and kissing the younger wolf on the forehead, never not amazed at the similarities in their height now. “They are settling in, a lot of them are scared and don’t know what’s going to happen” for that matter, neither did she, but Shaye wasn’t allowed to admit that. “Supplies are going to be limited, there’s no land we can swim from here that hasn’t been touched, and dragging back prey wouldn’t be an option anyway. [b] “Fishing is going to have to be our main form of food, through i’ve caught the scents of monkeys, birds that have fled to here, bats and other critters.” she said, relaying the information she had managed to find thus far.

“We will likely need to come up with activities, both fun and useful, to keep people entertained, standing idle is only going to cause problems” she said, opening up the floor for Theory to throw in ideas. Food, entertainment, and medicine were going to be their main concerns. Fresh water was thus far readily available, through not in as large quantities as it was back in Abaven.



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