
mere wanderer



Intermediate Navigator (40)

Expert Intellectual (135)

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
09-12-2019, 07:58 PM

Truthfully, Laeta didn't really know where she had wandered off into. Most of her life she had spent adrift, alone and on guard, with nothing and nobody to accompany her but the songs of nature. The only noise the slight little creature enjoyed, anyways. Talk, through teeth and tongue, typically bored her into a mental oblivion. It wasn't her fault she didn't enjoy interactions much -- especially not with other wolves. For one, she never had much guidance in proper mannerisms around wolves. Despite having been born into a pack, she couldn't say she was raised well at all.

The slender woman curled her lip as her mind unwillingly fluttered into broken memories. Her own family scorned her purely for the fact that her fur was patterned, and that somehow did not fare well with the solid-coated majority. As a pup, she was surrounded by the rumors of her mother's habits, including one that suggested Lae was fathered by a lone male. She left that ugly place as soon as she could, but the memory of her own self-exile burned on her tongue, a bitter taste she could barely swallow.  

She paused, shaking off her unevenly tufted pelt as if to metaphorically rid herself of those haunting thoughts. It seemed to help, and with a soft sigh, the slender canine padded onward. Her journey was aimless, just as her mind was. She didn't really have any goals in mind -- why would she, anyway? It wasn't like she really cared about herself. Her childhood wasn't exactly a boost in self-confidence, either.

The forest had a decently serene atmosphere -- about as peaceful as it could get, anyways. With the volcano eruption recently occurring, Lae had worn herself out just to get to a safer area of the territory. It was a hellish journey in and of itself, but she had managed to slip past the worst of the damage. The environment, despite its fair distance, still had an air of tension about it, and it didn't help that the sky was as seemingly dull as her personality. What she would give for just a small burst of golden sunshine to peek through and warm her chilled bones.

The femme didn't realize the extent of her exhaustion until she finally found a decently soft place to rest, in the nook of a large tree. Perhaps it had been home to a family of forest critters, but had since been abandoned, possibly due to the extent of the volcanic tremors and activity. No matter, of course. A shelter was a shelter, and as a loner, Lae took what she could get. She considered herself quite opportunistic, but by necessity, and nit by choice. All in the name of survival.

The nook looked big enough even for a deer to curl into, and as such, the small wolf easily folded her body to fit within the wood confines of the old den. Her lithe, bony legs folded inwards like clockwork, and resting her weary head, she listened to the faint rustle of leaves and wind, allowing the whispers of the earth to slowly lull her into a soft slumber. Her ruby pink eyes fluttered closed, but perhaps not for long. She wasn't the only wolf to wander these parts, of course.


comin' up for air in the deepest of the deep ends
i thought i learned it all, but boom, the plot thickens
laeta has a european badger companion named melis. he can speak and is assumed to be with her at all times.