
the stars lean down to kiss you



Expert Intellectual (150)

Master Fighter (280)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Pride - AsexualValentines 2020VolcanoDream Weaver
Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
09-12-2019, 08:24 PM
Toxicity refused to accept her mother's words at first. She stared hard through her mother, trying to see the truth past her words. Their father couldn't die. God wouldn't let him, would he? He and his brother were both Abraxas, weren't they? Her brows knit much like her father's did when he was deep in thought. No, there had to be a reason to this. There had to be a reason to God's works. Toxicity drug her claw into the ground to draw her own sigil, then her parents' beside it. There was a reason for this.

It had to be their uncle's fault. "God was purging the other Abraxas. Our uncle. The culling. Rid the weak blood out." Toxicity listed off her reasoning quietly. It had to be right. "Dad sacrificed himself for a purging." She spoke bitterly. Her mind tried to find some reasoning that made her dad a hero. She had to figure out why someone like him would die. "Malleus was culled by dad," she spat. "Dad was doing God's work." She carved their sigils deeper into the ground, tracing them again and again methodically into the ground. "Dad made a sacrifice to bring God's will to the mortal realm. That's all."

Toxicity tried to shrug it off, her carvings got messier as they got deeper. "I'd do the same," she said, biting back tears. "For God. If he asked." She drew rapidly, her eyes staring past the ground as tears clouded her vision. "Dad would want us to still obey God. Like he did. I can do it. I'm a good follower too. I could take another Abraxas down. If I had to, I could..." she trailed off, her sigils becoming unrecognizable as she scratched into the ground.