
mere wanderer



5 Years
Extra small

Treat 2019
09-12-2019, 09:05 PM (This post was last modified: 09-12-2019, 09:05 PM by Ramesh.)
His life was turned upside down, and then shaken vigorously like a kid hoping there was candy at the bottom. First of all he had gotten taken by that smelly mud-rolling viking slave-trader, who had stuffed him in a little pen. He was still missing fur off his butt from where she had closed the door on him. Then he had to watch his sister try and bid for him, before Cannival, his lion mount-friend had won. He had decided that Cannival’s service with the viking also meant his service and had stuck around after being ‘freed’

Then of course that whole ground-trembling, sky-exploding business, and he was temporarily separated from Cannival. He didn’t even know there was anything so big in the world, let alone how the volcano was able to blow ash so far, that he felt it must go all the way down to his home in Auster. Honestly he thought this whole week blows.

Running from the eruption, he had gone the wrong way, and now he had no idea how he was suppose to get back to Auster. He didn’t even know if his sister was there, or which way Canny had gone.. It was a mess, truly.

The little Ninja found the closest available trees, even if it was in the horrible, cold North, and scrambled frantically up into their midsts. He was minding his own business from there, leaping from tree top to tree top as he considered his next course of action, when he saw the hint of wolf, for a moment, he thought she was small enough to be one of his kind, but as he leapt onto a closer branch, he would see she was actually a mud-crawling giant, just a bit of a smaller one. After all, what Songa would chose to sleep on the ground?

“Oy, whaddya doing?’ he called down, wondering if she was even live, she was still, and with the eruption and ash in the air, he supposed it was possible. Thoroughly freaked out at the thought he grabbed for a pinecone and chucked it down at the body, just to be sure. As it landed, he ducked behind a tree trunk with just his eyes showing through.