
mere wanderer



Intermediate Navigator (40)

Expert Intellectual (135)

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
09-12-2019, 10:22 PM

Through the madness the volcano had stirred, raging hell and fire upon the land, Lae found her little corner of solace at last. The den sheltered her from the creeping, icy chill -- a double whammy, considering it was not only winter, but the catastrophic event had also thrown the weather into utter chaos.

Laeta drifted into patches of dreams, that surged in and out of the black unconscious like the lapping of waves at shore. Some dreams were random bits of real-life events; hunting, walking, basic replays of her days. Some dreams, however, were from her past, of which they could be compared to nightmares. The shame of her existence. The whispers among a judging, merciless crowd. And there she was, still a small child, so naive of the fact that the pack wanted to deny her existence. Outside of the dreams, her small form twitched, even shivered slightly as a gust of wind blew around her, tousling her fur.

The nightmares were never ending, but she managed to swallow them back. It was for the best anyways. If she allowed herself to bow at the mercy of her shitty childhood, she'd be consumed by confusion, anger, and a mix of other emotions she forbade to spill out. Her cold, tough exterior was all she wished to show, and it was all she would offer to any stranger. If she offered anything, that is.

Suddenly, a voice managed to snake into her ears, piercing into the depths of her subconscious. Much to her annoyance, of course.

"Oy, whaddya doing?"

She flicked an ear in response, stirred slightly, but was not fully awake. Whoever that is, they're probably speaking to someone else, She huffed mentally, a scowl creeping onto her ebony lips. She was about to turn herself over in hopes of blocking out the noise, when an object thwacked her on her side.

Now she was awake.

With a soft growl in irritation, the femme grudgingly rose to her feet, stretching her twig-like limbs as they cracked in unison. Glancing down to see what had hit her, the woman noticed a pinecone. Damn things were everywhere, she assumed whoever hit her was doing it for shits and giggles. Something she was not fond of, like the source of the pinecone. Laeta's ruby eyes pierced the expanse of the trees and foliage, forcing herself to search for the person responsible -- a tad difficult, seeing as the snow and ash from the bad weather obscured most of the surroundings.

Then, through the snow and ash, she saw them. Eyes. A pair of them at that. She narrowed her own, nose twitching as she picked up the unfamiliar whiff of another wolf. Another stranger. She didn't budge, but it was clear she could see him, and she wasn't all too pleased with the disturbance.

comin' up for air in the deepest of the deep ends
i thought i learned it all, but boom, the plot thickens
laeta has a european badger companion named melis. he can speak and is assumed to be with her at all times.