
we all survive in our own little ways

ft deathbelle


09-13-2019, 11:56 AM
"I see, thank you..." Hemlock trailed off, looking away to stare back where he knew the Dancefloor had been. so it had been a festival. he knew it from the discarded items and signs of revelry. had his sister been there after all? but he did not move from his spot near Deathbelle. if his sister had been there, he supposed he would have picked up her scent else he may have forgotten it entirely during their time apart. there was still much to search for.

it was the woman's short breath that made him swirl back to her. she had walked a few paces away, uttering apologizes. the man noticed her voice was thick, perhaps from the grief he sensed earlier. "though, now that I think about it more... may we take a break?" maybe not for himself but for her, though he had the tact to sigh dramatically and kick out at the pronghorn. it didn't take a genius to realize the woman had been pushing herself beyond her limitations. "this beast is heavier than it looks."

even if it was for a few minutes, Hemlock did want to make sure she was fine before moving on again. Deathbelle was the empress of her pack; it would do no good for her people to see her emotional. he didn't know what caused it, and it wasn't really his business. reclining upon the earth, he looked away from her to give her space and the time to recover. however sweet a few words of forced and polite of comfort he could offer her, the man knew better. she was probably getting a lot of them and was weary of it.

"the only thing 'sorry' is my lack of endurance" he chuckled.