
--Finally a place to, rest?



4 Years
09-14-2019, 02:04 PM
"Hello there.", the voice beckoned him to open his tired eyes, golden stare shifting left to right before finding the female approaching blatantly. "Oh, hello. Am I invading your spot ma'am?" The lax tongue drew words quickly, his paws shoving him to a seated position while he parted his jaws to yawn. Uncontrolled, he groaned after the yawn and chuckled lightly, an apologetic look crossing his features briefly. Yet he never uttered the apology verbally, instead, he shifted his seat and watched the female close. A pelt of different colors rests on her soft form, with piercing red eyes watching his movements holding no sense of dominance. Sighing openly, he pulled his lips into a smile and flicked his tail to a light wag, welcoming her presence silently.

Slowly, the male wolf gave movement by pushing his weight up to all fours and shaking his silvered black pelt free of loose hairs and debris. Stepping forward, his paws lowered from the rock to grass, hind legs kicking off to propel him further. His body leaping into the grass, he looked from the earth to the female and promptly sat down respectfully. Tail curling over his paws, head dipping down in a welcome, the male had seemed to be more than his name told. Serpentine was just that however-- a serpent. "Even if I'm not, I apologize for the intrusion. No doubt you've seen the eruption? Good to see another face after that disaster." Serpentine admitted, golden eyes locking to hers with a friendly stare, occasionally drifting off to break the intensity of the gaze. When he looked back to the female wolf, his tail flicked across his toes and his chest bubbled up one last time, a talkative male for certain. Are you alone? By that I mean, is anyone else going to pop up unexpectedly?