
Stop beatin' around the bush



11 Years
07-25-2013, 03:55 PM
"What I want to know. I'd like to know many things Alena, and I would like you to answer after I'm done." Bane raised an eyebrow as he lithely began to circle the female, taking in everything that her shapely form had to offer. The older wolf knew exactly how to proceed with this hormone driven female, and he wasted no time letting the words stream out of his muzzle in a cascade of desire-heavy whispers administered to each ear as he circled Alena in the shallows they stood in.

"I'd like to know the shape of your hind-legs and the feeling of your tail against my stomach, the soft taste of your ears and the warmth of your pelt. I want the moon to shine elsewhere to hide us and I want you satisfied and without burden of this female anxiety that you've stricken with.?I want the springs to be our place of solitude and I want to ravish you with the skill of an experienced wolf in a sovereign joining of passion. And I want to know who said that wolves should stop after it's all over? Because I don't think anybody has... and you both know we can last the evening together." Bane ended his smooth words and stalked up to her muzzle with a sloshing of anxious paws. Without another word Bane pressed his forehead against her's and gazed into Alena's violet eyes with his own sapphire ones as he took to waiting for her response.
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•