
The dinner bell


07-25-2013, 04:01 PM

A shadow ghosting through the trees. That was what he was. he was here, then he was the. The creatures around him were not even slightly aware of the predator in their presence. He was on the prowl. Hunger drummed on the back of his mind, wanting to go faster then this slow and silent creep. 'Go, run and kill it,' his mind whispered. It wanted food, and knew that now he was just playing around. he was plenty close enough to his target.

A glimmer of gold and steel flashed out of the gloom. He was frozen under one of the trees of the forest, judging the distance. His chosen victim, a tiny little deer, was grazing under the shade of a larger tree. It had slowly wandered out of the protective circle of its herd. They would not be able to give the thing a warning in enough time. A vicious smile teased his jaws. Easy. Simply too easy. Lady luck seemed to have finally turned her favor back on to him.

Before his thoughts could progress any farther, Greed struck. He was a blur of pounding feet and snapping muscles. He was flying over the ground, eating up the distance. Hungry eyes trained on the spot on the neck that would end this creature's life quickly. It was not simply standing there waiting for him to kill it, though. the little deer bolted, bee-lining back for its herd. The others were starting to flee in every direction now, panicked because of the predator in their midst. Chaos. The thing that Greed thrived in. he laughed, putting on a bit more speed. The distance between him and the prey was shrinking. A few small feet behind his supper. Just a bit closer.


Greed lunged forward, jaws grabbing one leg and pulling on it. hard. The force carried him forward, but he did not let go and give the animal a chance to kick him. Down to the ground they fell. A hoof pounded in to his side, driving the air from his lungs in a loud whoosh. He released the leg her was holding and moved quickly behind the deer and to the neck. A bit of blood already stained his mouth. More stained it as deadly canines fulfilled their purpose. Skin and flesh parted for his killing teeth, neatly severing the vital jugular. He let go then and stepped back, letting the warm red juice color the ground. Fearful eyes rolled around, still caught in panic and not realizing yet that it was all over. Legs twitched, struggling in vain to lift the body that was suddenly too heavy. The wolf of shadow and starlight could see the question in the animal's eyes 'What happened?' Greed grinned at the dying doe and moved to the stomach area of his meal. Enough blood had spilled that she probably wouldn't feel too much pain. He was not a sadist, after all. He could wait for her to be fully dead, but he was hungry. And waiting would just attract more scavengers, or a bear. Nope, not going down that road. Time to focus on filling his stomach.

After that there was just the slightly wet sound of meat being eaten. A sound that was the dinner bell to the crows and ravens nearby. A lone wolf could not eat this whole carcass by himself.


OOC: none

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Words: 572