
Feel the Thunder [Urgent meeting]



8 Years
Extra large

ScarredOverachieverPride - PansexualVolcanoValentines 2020Christmas 2019
09-16-2019, 08:42 AM

Kai hadn't been in Winterfell long. Since being released from Valkyrie, he'd traveled north with Acere - making no real attempt at conversation, let alone to flee. Though every bone in his body begged him to leave, to obtain the solitude and freedom that he'd been utterly deprived of for so long now, he knew he needed somewhere safe to rest and regain his strength until he figured out what to do next. Surely spending some time with Tyranis would be a good idea - though after learning what Acere expected of him, to repay a debt he hadn't ever asked him to pay in the first place, he was wary of complicating things further between the two of them.

He'd never asked for this. Was indentured servitude any better than being enslaved? Kai really wasn't sure. Perhaps a better man would've been grateful, and eagerly started to work to pay off his debts, but Kai wasn't a good man; perhaps he was benevolent at times, when it suited him, but he certainly wasn't the kind of man who felt like he owed anyone anything. Even Acere, even Tyranis.

Resting was a good start. His mind was admittedly hazy, clouded with anger and a dozen other emotions he found hard to place. Regardless of his intention (or lack thereof) to pay off his debt to Winterfell, he was definitely willing to take advantage of some peace and quiet to rest and recover. Not that he'd been terribly mistreated during his time with Valkyrie, but the few weeks of inactivity had been nothing short of detrimental to him, and he needed to rebuild his strength before making any rash decisions.

Tonight was a night he'd finally managed to slip into a decent sleep. Sleep didn't come easily to him these days, but tonight was an exception. The boom didn't wake him - it was far in the distance - and it took even long for the scent of the volcano's explosion to reach his nose. What he heard first was a frantic call, though he responded more slowly to it than perhaps he should've. Winterfell wasn't his pack, and their worries were not ones he wished to be burdened with... though as he slowly crept from the entrance of the makeshift den he'd found, the faint glow that ebbed in the southern sky told him that perhaps this was something he should be worried about. Mount Volkan was where the glow was coming from - and if he squinted hard enough, he swore he could see ash billowing into the night sky. He was familiar with those lands, and though he wouldn't quite consider them his home, the worry of their destruction definitely irked him.

And yet.. there was nothing he could do about it, whatever was happening. Such natural events were as normal as the appearance of the sun and the moon each day, as far as he was concerned. Such was the cycle of nature. Slowly, almost begrudgingly, he moved to answer the call.. first by Ignis and then Acere, and he heard Tyranis's voice ringing out through the eerie night, too. He was far from prompt to arrive, sluggish and quiet as he moved toward the rear of the group and sat, waiting for whatever Acere had to say.