
--Finally a place to, rest?



4 Years
09-16-2019, 03:17 PM
Such a pretty smile, he thought to himself before hearing her words and listening close. He wasn't intruding on her spot, or any one's for that matter, that he'd known of. Relaxing physically the male wolf sighed and rolled his shoulders back with a smile of comfort, chuckling lightly. "It's a decent place to rest, to gain yourself after a long run." Serpentine admitted, golden eyes resting on her own with a comforting gleam resting between his irises. She states more, and he listens with alert ears perked upright and a solid and confined stare engaged on the female, now announcing herself as Willoughby.

"It's not good to be alone, but even if we've just met-- I'm here to watch your back. You may call me Serpentine." Introducing himself felt comfortable to this female, and he shuffled his paws a moment before asking the question that set upon his mind. "You've not seen a group of wolves traveling as a family unit, have you? Primarily black coats, two that are younger." His details produced were vague but told of his family appearance. They traveled together typically as a unit, mother and father in front with the two siblings, Jade, and Lorne in the middle, with Serpentine trailing behind to watch the pack. Without Serpentine, who'd watch the rear? Who'd alert the family of trouble, or food? Would they work together without him? His self centered ways of thinking got to him and before he knew it, he was dazed in thought.

Shaking his head, Serpentine refocused on the slender female with a unique coating hugging her lithe form. Shirking a smile, the male wolf quickly apologized. "I'm sorry, I've been separated from my family for some time now. It's been a while since I've found another soul and been able to ask about them. I feel it may have been rude to bombard you with such curiosities." Explaining his thoughts, his tail flicked yet again over his toes-- like a signal of his uneasiness. He missed them, his family. Could he find another family to slip into, could he ever find them?