
Sing about the Birds and the Bees

Bronze i


12 Years
07-25-2013, 04:49 PM

Only a few seasons ago, his life had been so.. bland. Endless days of solitude and silence, broken up only by the shortest interruptions. Most of which had been mildly unpleasant. So much had changed in a short period of time -- once again Bronze belonged to a pack, and he had reunited with his first and only real love. Now, he could grow old in relative peace, though with the pressing knowledge that he would have young children to tend to soon, he was growing somewhat restless. He could only hope he would live to see them to adulthood, to keep them happy and healthy and whole. He wanted none of his children to feel the pain of loss that he had suffered from at such a young age; no, they would have two loving parents, and the safety of a pack to retreat to if anything happened to either Bronze or Silent.

The woman brightened infinitely as Bronze spoke his mate's name. The brute could tell he knew Silent before she even voiced his aloud. "That would be me -- I hope, at least," he joked lightly, her joy contagious, and a smile of his own came to rest on his aged lips. "I am glad to see she has not been alone in her travels here." She had always been far more social than he, not plagued by darkness that had been implanted in his heart since his childhood. What a lovely woman she was, and he was truly grateful to have found her again. "How long have you known her, Song?" He briefly wondered how long she had lingered in these lands before they had reunited, not that dwelling in the past mattered very much...