
The dinner bell


07-25-2013, 05:21 PM
ooc: I appologize for crappiness, should get better.

The mighty hunter stalks his unsuspecting prey. A whisper seeped from dark lips, copper orbs trained on a rabbit not far away, maybe a couple feet. So far he was doing good, managing to stay quiet enough for it not to notice and being patient enough that he didn't try rushing one moment. When he felt like he was close enough, that it was the perfect time to strike, he finally went for it. Paws drummed against the ground, ears back, tail streaming behind him as he moved over the earth. Closer and closer he got, a few feet, four feet, three. Almost. Jaws parted, lips pulling back to reveal his fangs. He was just about to lunge when the rabbit made a hard turn to the side, resulting in the male digging his paws into the ground, sliding ta few feet to a stop.

He lifted his head breathing heavily, scanning the area for the animal but after a few moments of nothing he gave a heavy sigh and a shake of his head before pushing himself back up and started walking away. Nuka almost had that rabbit, almost had a meal.

After walking for a it a scent hit his nose, making the youngster stop. Carefully he sniffed the air, catching another wolf and a fresh kill. Right way he started to get ideas, but before he could settle on one he was already off. In no time he found it, a wolf digging into a deer. Lips pulled back in a toothy grin and the male slowly madehis way over, trying to not appear aggressive or anything, sitting down just a few yards away with his tail wagging.
