
The dinner bell


07-25-2013, 05:35 PM

It was a great feeling to have a full belly. With good food too. The meat was still warm. The blood still dripping. Heaven. Bliss. Comfort. Greed was so focused on eating that he did not sense the wolf join him. It was when his head went a few inches away from the carcass to let himself breath a bit, and decide if he was still hungry or not, when his ears picked up the thump of a tail on the ground.

The male looked over, out of the corner of his eye, taking in the little male with the white markings. A cute kid. A cute kid something that looked like puppy-dog eyes to Greed. Greed closed his eyes and gave a soft sigh. Time to decide. Was he going to keep ignoring the pup and eat, or would he be nice and share? he didn't really like sharing, but there could be a big and scary mother and father nearby. Greed gave a grumble to himself before asking in a bored voice, "Can I help you, Squirt?" His steel eye rolled to give a bored, yet slightly amused look at the kid. This was also his marred side. The part of his face that was probably frightening to look at for most. Speech!