
you'll always be

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
09-17-2019, 06:01 PM
Rhyme hadn’t been able to leave Abaven after the eruption, but he had been able to send Imperia to tell Poem that they were alive and where it was the pack had relocated to. The island wasn’t perfectly safe, but it was more stable than the mainland. The waves were scary sometimes, but they were making it through in relative peace.

He’d not pressed Shaye, but he could tell that she was in need of real support. He realized when he saw her that she still allowed too much responsibility to weigh on her shoulders. He knew that he wouldn’t be able to go back out and find Motif just yet. Shaye needed him, Eulogy needed him, and all of Abaven’s pups did as well.

Softly he made his way to where Shaye slept, knowing she wasn’t likely doing much of that right now. He missed his time with his alpha partner. Missed the fire that used to dwell in her eyes. Much of it had been torn away when Vail died, but even if she couldn’t see it Rhyme had to take it upon himself to open her eyes to it before it fully went out. His heart beat nervously, he couldn’t remember the last time they’d been alone together. On Vail’s grave?

He shook the memory from his thoughts as he called out softly to her, ”Shaye?” He asked quietly, not wanting to disturb her slumber that was so desperately needed. Rhyme needed to make her selfish, she needed to live for herself. She took too much weight from those she loved that she’d forgotten about herself. Rhyme had to show her how much she meant to him. A task that was difficult when their past was so complicated, he’d always known how deeply he loved her even if he wasn’t allowed to show that affection anymore.