
you'll always be

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
09-18-2019, 06:54 AM
They hadn’t spent much time together recently, for many good reasons. Rhyme hadn’t the time to worry about the mother of his children when he was worried about his children. Motif was missing, and finding her was his first priority for too long now. Verse was gone, Noir left.. He had many yearlings he needed to go out into the world to find. He knew he wouldn’t be able to relax until he knew where they were, but for now he was forced to remain on the island. He could only pray that his offspring were raised well enough to take care of themselves.

He wasn’t sure what caused Shaye’s sudden stupor or if her recently discarded sleep was to blame. She took a long moment to answer him, but did eventually invite him inside with her. He didn’t notice her quick swipe over her fur, or the mess that was her temporary den. Shaye could do anything to him and Rhyme knew he would still hold a deep affection for her.

He made himself comfortable, too long had passed since he’d felt this way inside a den.l. He liked sleeping under the stars, he was more free and easier alerted to the dangers that lurked. For once he didn't wish to speak about their children, or his own. He hoped it was still too soon to tell, but with all of his offspring besides Theo now gone Rhyme felt like he’d failed as a father. He tried to hide the shame the thought brought him as he leaned back against the wall of the den and looked back to Shaye and her worn form.

”I feel like it’s been a while since anyone asked how you are doing.” He started, blue and lavender gaze soft as he opened up the floor for her to vent or mourne or rejoice.