
The path at the end of the world




4 Years
Extra small

Treat 2019Christmas 2019Promptober 2019
09-19-2019, 07:56 PM
"Oh, sister," her voice melted as she moved to her sister after accepting Lament's affections gratefully. This was such a familiar scene, all of them together again. It meant the world to her that they were all reunited again. Finally everything was falling into place. She had paid her price and it had cost her dearly, but to be reunited with her family again was no small prize. "Yes, we are doing well!" she said brightly, some of her old self appearing in her chipper tone. "But enough about me, let me get a feel what's going on," Eris added, taking stock of her sister's injury. It certainly wasn't good. Ballad's ankle was swollen and hot to the touch even through her fur.

Eris pondered ways to treat it. It didn't seem like she'd injured it so badly that it needed to be set. "Well, you ought to stay off of it for now. I'm not sure where to find what I need in these parts..." If only someone who was more familiar with this territory were there to help them. As if answering her unspoken call, Sota's voice came to her.

She spun around, her eyes roving for his small shape against the dim shadows she could still make out. "Sota!" she gasped, her milky eyes wide with surprise. "Sorry? Oh!" He was apologizing for the whole wretched thing... but it didn't really matter. She was so happy now! "Please, it's alright. It was the sacrifice I needed to make in order to reunite my family. Everyone is here now!" Wistfully, she stared in the direction of Oxide's scent on the breeze. "But I could use your help. Don't you hail from the trees in this area? I need some herbs to treat my sister's twisted ankle, some fine twigs, and something to bind them with."

She considered what she'd need. "Agrimony and lamb's ear would be best. It's a small yellow flower and tiny, soft little leaves. Soft like puppy's fur. Could you bring those to me?" Eris was hopeful that with his help they could get Ballad situated and move on to a safer site.

[Image: eris-sig-gif.gif][Image: theo-sig-gif.gif][Image: idalia-sig-gif.gif][Image: dag-sig-gif.gif][Image: rags-sig-gif-1.gif][Image: luce-sig-gif.gif][Image: calamity-sig-gif.gif]