

ft Eir



4 Years

Treat 2019
09-19-2019, 08:56 PM
It was rare that one would find Thoren afraid to go into a cave, but the recent rumblings of the earth made him extra cautious. Ears were forward at attention, listening to the sounds around him…which at the moment was complete and utter silence. Paws were firmly planted into the ash and snow mixture, trying to feel for vibrations in the ground as he stood at the mouth of the cavern. After several long minutes, he would breathe a heavy sigh and take a few tentative steps forward, the sun was coming up and he needed to be somewhere somewhat dark for the day. He’d dealt with a lot of pain during his stay with Valkyrie and her group of Vikings, they were far from night owls and there was little protection from the sun except in his den. With the recent eruption, however, there had been no saving him from the pain of the sun it was too risky to sleep underground but it was too painful to sleep much during the day.

The cave dweller was exhausted and while he was excited to find a place to sleep during the day at long last, he also knew it was a calculated risk. There was a possibility of another earthquake and that could completely collapse the cavern if he chose the wrong path. As the shadow of the cave swallowed him up, he paused, eyes narrowing momentarily before widening; his time during in the daylight was weakening his ability to see well in the total darkness he so loved. After a few minutes his eyes readjusted and the throbbing headache that he had grown accustomed to began to finally fade. As his vision returned to normal, he noted the glowing mushrooms that scattered distantly across the immediate entrance of the cave but the glowing light further back intrigued him.