
Falling Petals

Elysia I


07-25-2013, 11:30 PM
He seemed just as happy as her. She danced about, leaping, launching her small frame into the sky, play-bowing, and rushing forwards. As she came back towards him, he seemed to calm down enough to pull her in for a hug. She closed her eyes tightly, hiding her face in him. She knew all to well tears rolled down her face. She was just so happy. So much had happened to them, to her. And then he asked the question she was not ready to answer. As he looked her own, she wouldnt meet his eyes. She sat there trying to think of how to answer those questions. Physically she was ok, rather healthy and fit infact. But mentally she wasnt sure. Could she tell him? it was too soon after seeing him to burden him with her problems.

"I'm good. I've been all over the place! I saw the ocean, the tall grasses and large..umm buffalo. Oh Kaveh! You have to meet Demonio, he..umm is my adopted father. He can be yours too if you want. He is so kind. I'm sure you too will get along!" She said after awhile. She hoped he would sense she was finding anything. The stars knew she didnt want to talk about Dragomir. Not yet anyways, she wanted to find out things and solve it on her own. She was suppose to be an adult now, right? Yea, an adult wolf who was still afraid of the dark.She had to be strong though, show Kaveh she had grown and not the same pup she was before. "What about you? How are you? What happened? Tell me everything!" She wagged her tail happily. She could just about sing to the moon and stars in how happy she was to have her brother there. The only thing stopping her was them talking.