
--Finally a place to, rest?



4 Years
09-23-2019, 04:43 PM
The wind whisked at his fur, blowing it about his face and neck wildly while he sat still, keeping content eye contact with Willoughby. The cool air felt nice and cooling on his skin, however it brought the scent of fire, ash, smoke, brimstone. It brought painful memories of the eruption blowing his family apart, bringing him so far from where he once called home. In this peaceful, serene cedar encased area, he felt comfortable and safe, yet he wasn't sure of himself or his surroundings. While it was seemingly calm here, he stood up while they held a conversation, his pelt shaking briefly to shake out his fur and release loose hairs and debris. "It was, I hope it still is." He admitted, glancing back to the resting female.

Although he'd eaten, his belly still craved a good meal. Something more filling than measly rabbit sounded perfect for the wolf and his new friend. Thinking of himself while the silence sat between them, the air broke of quiet and her voice rattled his ears happily. He enjoyed her presence."Thank you, and welcome to the land. I hope you may find a place to belong as well, maybe we will find comfort in the same place." Serpentine spoke hopefully, his nose catching the scent of deer not far, his stomach begging him to pay attention to the food rather than Willoughby. Ignoring his gut, he kept his focus on the female while she spoke, commenting on the inhabitants around and their demeanor. "It's good to hear that, especially when I'm practically alone out here down on my luck!" Serpentine chuckled and let his gaze wander off from the patched female.

"Aside from those living here and finding a place to fit in, would you like to explore this place with me? Maybe even catch a meal worth considering dinner?" His lips peeled into a smirk, hoping to coax her into a nice time of hanging out and wandering about rather than sitting idly. It was making him antsy to sit and chatter when they had so much to smell, investigate, and search. Wagging his bushy tail behind him, he invited the female with his body language to follow him, keeping a modest stature while he easily kept his shoulders low, ears flattened and lips peeled into a comforting smile. Submissive in nature, Serpentine was never the type of male to force anyone to wander or follow him, he'd rather invite them no matter how badly he desired the company if they denied.

Before he had gotten the decision, a shake of the ground hit and he gripped the grass with dull claws, lowering his body to the earth immediately. Ears against his skull and his tail tucked close to his side, golden eyes looked up and around for help, landing on Willoughby. "Is it happening again?? Is it gonna get us?? What's going on?? Where's JJ??" Questions barked from the male in panic as he held fast to the ground below him, looking like a frightened feline. It stopped as soon as it began, the earth's shaking and rumbling below his body halted with slow ease. Though Serpentine shook in his spot, visibly shaken by the sudden tremor that hit beneath them.
[Image: SIgnatureedit.jpg]