
--Finally a place to, rest?



3 Years
09-23-2019, 06:28 PM (This post was last modified: 09-23-2019, 06:59 PM by Willoughby.)

More pleasantries were exchanged between the pair and otherwise it was quite a normal conversation. Willoughby had already relaxed, finding no reason to ruffle her fur around the man. Aside from being agreeable, he was also a good conversationalist and she found herself getting absorbed in thought. It was a bad habit sometimes to be pulled completely in. her head nodded absently along to his words, but when he mentioned getting a meal, she realized how hungry she had been. Her belly did a small gurgle that was too faint for Serpentine to hear unless he was quite close. She felt herself rising to all fours, her tail swaying like a banner behind her body. “Exploring would be best first,” she said, thinking that drawing blood would cause the area to be like a highlighter to hungry beasts.

But it seemed it wasn’t meant to be. As she moved to join the man, the ground shook violently. Willoughby felt herself tumbling forward before she gathered herself as elegantly as possible. Serpentine was in a panic, and rightly so, but she tried to remain calm despite her pounding heart. “Shh,” she soothed. she turned to him, reaching out to lightly touch her paw against his shoulder “we’re quite safe here” or rather, she hoped so. But the tremors would scare away prey that once called this place home. She could do nothing to help this JJ person, though. She could only focus on Serpentine. “it was an aftershock, I think.” she added gently, recalling the fleeing she had done with Philomena days prior. This little tremor was nothing compared to that.

Lifting her head to the sky, she looked at the volcano in the far distance. From her spot, she could only see the peak and nothing else. Bee wondered if they should move somewhere else. "Are you okay, Serpentine?" she asked him with a frown.

3/3 navigation
3/3 met new wolf (serpentine)