
--Finally a place to, rest?



4 Years
09-23-2019, 06:51 PM

Willoughby was quick to act with a soothing hush to calm him, his nerves rattled yet he honed in on the other voice accompanying him. It was easy to calm down, yet his legs shook and wobbled after his few deep breaths quelled his rattled nerves. "If you say we're safe, I'll believe you. But we should really move before another one shakes the ground, or I might not move from where I'm at." His eyes moved about wildly, with a wide and shocked expression laid across his irises. He looked to notice she had given him a soft touch with her paw, resting her pads on his shoulder with moderate comfort. It was nice to feel, nice to see someone so new to him giving him the time of day and being this patient with him. After all, the blast from the volcano had traumatized many he assumed, not just himself. Or so he hoped.

"I'm alright, just-- shaken up a bit. I feel like a rattlesnake's tail, thank you though." Serpentine admitted while he regained himself balance-wise, saving his legs from their shaking state. With a new posture, the male inhaled the air and wrinkled his snout a bit, while the air still smelled stained from the destruction. While he gazed from left to right, Serpentine noticed a small pathway tucked between the trees to the right of the small clearing, where the grass had been smashed and walked through many times. Enough to cause a trail to start forming. Nodding in the direction, he spoke up before taking a few steps closer, as though to beckon Willoughby along with a friendly manner. "Over here, there's a trail."

Stepping towards the trail now, the male wolf stopped at the beginning of the pathway, sniffing the trunks of the trees, beaten down grass, and the leaves of shrubs around the trailhead. Plants and flowers sprouted here and rested naturally beside the trunks of trees or under the shrubbery like a cushion for the leaves. Serpentine had no knowledge of the plants, and so he dismissed them without a second thought, only noticing their beauty. Stepping into the trail, he sniffed about more, getting a good imprint of the area. Deer, rabbit, even bear ran across his nostrils like quick bursts of electricity. Zapping his nose with the scents, he seemed absorbed now and over the sudden fear he had a moment ago. So wrapped up in his exploring, his head rammed right into the trunk of a cedar tree, forcing him back with a jarring halt. Whimpering a second, he looked up and scowled at the tree before looking back to the trailhead that he'd stepped a few feet away from. Did Willoughby see that--?

[Image: SIgnatureedit.jpg]