
it holds me till i break

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The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
09-23-2019, 09:49 PM
He lay there with her, cuddled up with his beautiful mate and five beautiful children. The birthing process went smoothly and without incident, so he uttered a soft bark to dismiss his nephew since his services wouldn't be needed. He was glad though, that Ignis had been around just in case something did go wrong, but luckily nothing hadn't. He was blessed. He could feel Winter's presence around them and strange as it might sound he had the feeling she helped protect the pups and Heloise from any dangers during this process. It seemed no matter what she was always looking out for him. He sighed contentedly as Heloise spoke, the alabaster king laying his head gently upon her shoulders as he kept a watchful eye on her and the pups as she rested and they suckled. The sound of near silence was comforting, the smell of new pups and the warm scent of milk filling the male with a sense of love and pride at his new family. He loved her. He loved them. He would protect and guide them the best he could, guiding them to the path that would lead them to greatness and steer them away from the demons that seemed to plague his line. Though he hoped the demons had died with was just that. Hope. Even so, he'd do his best to ensure his children had the best lives possible.