
Do you know where the wild things go?



11 Years
Athena I
07-27-2013, 09:20 AM (This post was last modified: 07-27-2013, 03:41 PM by Alena.)

Alena's pale ears flicked with irritation at the news that she would be weak for so long. She guessed perhaps she should have been able to answer her own question for that, but she knew little that didn't apply to her trade. Killing, tracking, and hunting were the only skills she deemed necessary when she was younger. Now she saw that had been a mistake. Just one of many she had made throughout her life.

Her irritation changed to surprise as she watched the healer lay down in front of her, telling her that he'd stay till she could walk. Alena wondered if all healers were this giving or if Tiresias was just that self sacrificing. He had already saved her life, she hadn't expected anything more from him, but she was grateful that he stayed. Being alone in this state would have most likely ended in disaster for the ivory fea.

At his question she thought back through all the wolves she had met recently, the bit of information about the wolf in question missing a leg sparking her memory. She gave a slight nod and replied, "Yes, I believe I have met him. There was a male with that matched that description at both of the pack meetings. I'm sure it was brother. How many multi-hued, green-eyed, three-legged wolves are there?" she said with a chuckle. It was a very specific look for a wolf. In her reminiscing, she remembered that Tyberius had informed Medusa of his skills as a spy, wondering how two brothers could be that different in their trades. But then she remembered that she had been polar
opposite to her siblings. She hadn't had any concern for her siblings, however, unlike Tiresias. She wondered briefly if her siblings had cared for her even though the ivory fea had never returned the sentiments.

She was pulled out of her musings as Tiresias scratched at his muzzle with a paw, drawing attention to the thick scars that snaked their way across his features. "It seems we both have our share of scars," she commented with a smirk. Besides the deep scars on her shoulders, Alena's forelegs were criss-crossed with smaller scars and her back right leg had a fairly deep scar as well. She had luckily avoided gaining any marks on her face thus far, but she was sure that would change soon enough with her trade. Usually her scars were hidden in her fur, but her fur was pressed to her body in clumps by the blood so it was possible to get a glimpse of the battle marks. "How did you come across yours?" she asked curiously, wondering what I healer could have gotten himself into to warrant such deep scars.
