
where are you?

ft anyone



4 Years

Critical Fail!
09-24-2019, 04:43 PM
someone she hadn't seen in months but knew was around suddenly appeared. Dutch stared up at Sirius, some defiance crossing her eyes. she knew that bitch Zeitgeist blamed her for, of all the stupid fucking things, pillows. well, she was sort of busy being captured by her former band leader to deliver them. along with the armor lost; which she told Deathbelle about anyway, Dutch had sought shelter in Ashen for her children's sakes. and now she learned from passing gossip he was mated or something to that slave. so excuse her for not knowing what to think of him too anymore.

"is it because they're Kleins" she tried to sound brave as she spoke, despite her insides squirming uncomfortably. Dutch wasn't scared of Sirius even if she had lost their practice matches. the woman needed to know if he actually did care about her children because he never visited her when he knew she was in the pack. she thought they were at least friends, but then again... she thought she was friends with Valkyrie. she didn't want to be in debt to anyone again, let alone him who she could never repay. "or because you care about their safety?" she didn't wait for him to reply before she added in, almost defeated; "they are my children. I will fight for them if they were captured."

because that is all she could hope to do for her kids. fight for them with every breath she took. knowing they would be safe in the Ashen empire even if she should happen to fade away or die from her efforts. "there's two of them missing, Sirius. I need someone to carry them back home if I fall" she added in, distractingly turning away from him to wander further into the cave system. she once more called out for Beryl and Gimli, resisting the tears in her eyes.
dutch speaks with a thick scandinavian accent.