
where are you?

ft anyone



4 Years

Critical Fail!
09-24-2019, 05:06 PM
she didn't really give a rat's ass - or any other ass - if Sirius took offence to her dislike of Zeitgeist. Dutch felt the woman was possessive and petty, and she had made that clear to her the moment they had met. the dwarf was quick to put her in her place. slave of the empress or slave to cleaning up shit, it didn't matter. because what did was that she was being judged for failing to deliver pillows. people should focus on what mattered and grow up.

she also wasn't looking for sympathy and kept her capture to herself. if they both chose to be upset about such petty things, they were perfect for each other in that regard. Dutch had half a mind to reject Sirius' company and continue on her way. she certainly placed as much space as she could between them as her stubby legs would allow when in the old days she would have welcomed his company and help. "I don't know if you noticed, but I've been raising them alone" she sounded bitter, knowing that Hannibal had made promises he couldn't have kept.

the point was, she could handle fighting alone too. "I'd give my life for them, but I'm a small wolf and that'll only get me one chance" there was no illusion about her stance in both height and the world. she was dirt. heck, she was less than dirt. Dutch only had her children. if it came down to her death for them, she would in a heartbeat. "Beryl!" she shouted, rushing forward to look at the water and hoping she didn't spot their bodies in their depths "Gimli?!" finding nothing, no trace of them - not even a scent - she held back a dry sob.
dutch speaks with a thick scandinavian accent.