
How Dare

Jupiter / Niamh



2 Years

Treat 2019
09-24-2019, 05:43 PM

Fracture watched as the Tamarin climbed up onto it's owner to enjoy the show, his brow arching to the display of nonchalance. Jupiter continued to speak, this time explaining his need for the woman and asking if Fracture would take her place. "How is a mute girl to sell your wares for you?" He countered, casting a glance to the worried female at Jupiter's side. His eyes softened as they met hers and he sighed. "I'd take her place if that was to be the only payment you'd accept." The dark man responded carefully. "Though surely there must be something else."

He thought on the other man's situation and how he might be able to work around the issue. The girl would surely bring customers better then Fracture would himself, for she was beautiful of face even though she could not speak. She could pull a cart, sure, but she was small and slender and her stamina would likely suffer. Jupiter smelled of pack, but still spoke of selling wares and dragging product. Was he a wanderer, then? Not living at home but on the road? Fracture's lips pressed together as he considered.

"I can pull your cart better then she can. Allow the two of us - myself and her - to accompany you as free wolves and assist you in unloading your wares. For a length of time, or until your cart is light enough for you to pull alone." His offer wasn't something he'd enjoy, living with this slaver until they'd sold enough goods to pay off the loan. Though if the male were to accept his offer, the woman would be freed and Fracture could deal with some time away from Winterfell for that. He glanced back to the ivory woman, searching her gaze to see if the offer was acceptable to her as well.
