
where are you?

ft anyone



4 Years

Critical Fail!
09-25-2019, 10:11 AM
yeah, Hannibal promised a place to belong. another pack where she wouldn't be surrounded by strangers and have equal footing with everyone. but she didn't care about that. Hannibal could promise the moon and back; Dutch would still see him as a mortal man who made mistakes just like anyone else. the dire wolf before her assumed he was dead, else he'd be here. who knew where the albino man was? she had three kids to watch out for. she couldn't look for him as much as it was in her nature to look for someone that was close to her.

Dutch snorted, Sirius obviously not understanding that his role was not to 'watch her'. she wasn't a child that needed to be tended to. "elsewhere, I'd have the same shot as anyone else. I'd be on equal footing" because she felt like she was just some woman who bore the latest Klein kids in Ashen. she wasn't stupid; she knew that the actual Kleins had more privileges in the pack. they kept slaves to tend to their needs. she was not a slave - Deathbelle made that clear to her - but she also couldn't shake the feeling she'd have better luck somewhere else.

but she wasn't going to argue with the dire wolf. Dutch knew her feelings on the matter; she didn't need him to convince him out of blind loyalty to the empress and her empire. "I'm going back to my old den, pick up a scent properly and follow it. I don't need you with me, because I trusted you with Godbrand until I come back" and if Sirius was not there with her son and insisted on following her all around the map... well, her trust was misplaced then. her words weren't unkind, though. it hurt to leave her remaining son, but she knew she wouldn't be able to give him the attention he needed while Beryl and Gimli were missing.

she needed someone to watch him, and she couldn't ask Deathbelle. the man's call went up, but no one had bothered to show themselves. Dutch took it as another sign they weren't here. without another word, she twisted her body to the entrance and exited the Deluge. she said exactly what she was going to do; go back to Wolfpaw Lake. find a trail. follow it.


dutch speaks with a thick scandinavian accent.