
--Finally a place to, rest?



3 Years
09-25-2019, 10:28 AM

Willoughby still mentally checked him over, leaning forward to see a soft flow of blood from his skull. “It happens” she replied easily and soothingly, not caring the reason but only that he was fine. It wouldn’t do to get injured here. She had no formal herbal training and could only think to lick at his head to stop the flow. But she realized that would also be too invading; they had just met, after all. She let out a chuckle. “I do sometimes run into things myself” she admitted “though I probably was not sniffing and have no excuse compared to you. I seem to drift off sometimes without meaning.” She sighed wistfully, uncaring once more about her own troubles and only stating the facts of what she had done in the past. A few times she hadn’t noticed she drifted off when speaking to Serpentine too. it wasn’t that he wasn’t interesting; oh no, it was not that. The woman merely had a short attention span sometimes.

He asked though about the explosion, causing her eyes to take in a faraway look as she repeated what she knew from it. “there were tremors. I felt them before I saw the sky-fire” and then the hoard of animals running away, threatening to trample her and the other she was with “the air was thick within minutes. I was with a young woman from Olympia – one of the packs here” Philomena had escaped without harm done to her, but Willoughby did not think herself responsible for that. She had only acted with sense to their problem. “we both managed to maneuver and run. I looked back, seeing the volcano spewing lava.” It was an awful sight, and one she was not keen to go back to any time soon. It was as if the earth was angry with them. There was no formal warning to the eruption. she had managed to travel without a care in the world, unaccustomed to troubles.

Willoughby turned back to Serpentine, trying to shake her unease with the past situation. She investigated his handsome face before frowning. “though I do not know what I will do now. It seems the land above us is rife with some complications” she admitted. Traveling was out of the question right now. She would wait out the explosion in Auster.

3/3 navigation
3/3 met new wolf (serpentine)