
Save a spot for me in heaven.

Reunited with Serpentine.



4 Years
09-25-2019, 03:47 PM

The feeling of being nudged relaxed him, watching his sister turn to walk on forwards from him. His little JJ, all grown up. It tugged his heart and made him emotional to think of what she had been through this time apart, what troubles she'd had to endure. But she was safe with him now, and he swore to never let her out of his sight again. Standing now, the male wolf took a step into the ravine and followed his sister along quietly until she spoke up about Lorne, his jaws parting to speak but no words formed when he saw her next expression.

Sadness, worry, distraught, the female had been thinking of the other topic at hand-- their parents. What she thought of them, he did not know, nor did he ask. He quietly walked on beside her until her face became too much to handle for the male. "JJ, they'll be alright wherever they ran off to. I doubt they split up from each other. And if they did, dad's stubborn enough to find mom quickly. It's Lorne I'm worried about... you know how skittish he can be. With the blast and our scatter, I'm thinking he got off on his own and who knows what he's come across here. We've been so secluded from the wolves around us since mom and dad had you and Lorne." Serpentine rambled as he worried, taking from memory and concern for Lorne as he spoke with a relaxed tongue. Walking beside Jade he kept his pace even with hers, eyeing the reptile coiled around the neck of his sister.

When he refocused on Jade, he caught the wet tear slipping from her eye and rolling down her fur. Aww poor baby, his thoughts mocked her but he caught himself as the earth below them shook. Although it was short-lived, Serpentine was traumatized by the earthquakes and remembered how badly the earth vibrated and rattled when the eruption happened. His mind locked in a state of fear while his body crouched over the ground like a frightened puppy. Ears pinned back and tail tucked, the male looked with wide eyes to his sister and swallowed his tongue. He wanted to snap at her, in fear not anger. Serpentine was locked in his position while she spoke, listening to her calmed him somewhat but still, he stood frozen.

"N-no. We can't stay here. I think you're right, moving West to find them. Maybe we could check bodies of water and see if any of the family made it to a safer spot with more resources." Serpentine spoke finally, standing back at his full height and shaking off the fear that recently locked him into a pinned grasp. His jaws parted as he gazed forward, motioning to follow the small ravine they were in. Perhaps it led to water? "We should follow this trench, it must have held water at some point. Maybe it leads back to some and we can head West from there."

[Image: SIgnatureedit.jpg]