
--Finally a place to, rest?



4 Years
09-25-2019, 04:11 PM

Serpentine felt the sting on his head, annoyingly so. It burned and throbbed with pain while a small gash let blood trickle from the wound slowly. He had no real idea he was bleeding, only that his bumped area felt hot and swollen. Willoughby admitted herself to sometimes bumping into things here and there, causing him to smirk and raise a brow playfully with a chuckle escaping him. "Well I wouldn't say running into things is a good thing, but it does make me feel better that I'm not alone in this head bumping stuff."

The atmosphere around them changed as she recanted the memory back to him. His smirk faded and his eyes widened with interest as to hear her tale. He remembered the sky being filled of thick smoke and ash falling like snow around him, but never did he see the sky-fire she mentioned. Another wolf was abruptly brought into her story, a pack member from one of the land's packs. His eyes twisted in horror as he thought of what she recalled, lava sputtering from the mountain and the female's reaction to stating such a fact.

She turned fully to face him and he watched with concern, letting her finish off what she had to say before he remarked upon her telling tale. "That sounds awful, I'm so sorry Willoughby. It's simply amazing you got out unscathed being so close." His jaws clamped shut, thinking about what he himself would do now. He knew he was searching for his family, a home, but what would he do in the meantime-- search for days? He needed to have a plan, find a temporary place to rest, find food to sustain him, stay by water when he can, should he find other wolves? The list of things to do compiled in his mind while he stopped to speak up again. "I'd imagine complications come as no surprise considering the damage done. All we can do is fend for ourselves, help anyone we can, find others, and survive." Stating this with a matter-of-fact tone, his golden eyes landed against her own garnet hues, focusing on her before speaking again with a small and growing smile on his lips. "I'm happy you found me. In times like these, I feel better in pairs or small groups."

He began to move away from the female and focus back on the trailhead he'd sniffed out. His nose lowering to get another good scent of the recent animals that had passed by. The bear's scent was too faint, far too faint to worry about. Hare and deer scents covered that of the bear and moved further into the thicket of trees. Stepping ahead, he looked back and swished his tail politely, offering her the moment to catch up, lead, or follow as she wished.

[Image: SIgnatureedit.jpg]