
taking stock




Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Hunter (155)

9 Years
Extra large

Mammoth HunterPride - BisexualBeeventVolcanoChristmas 2019Promptober 2019
09-26-2019, 07:51 AM

She didn't lie, which he was grateful for, and he found himself letting out a hollow laugh in response to her answer. She wasn't okay, and neither was he - but they would survive, just like they always did, right? What a way to be introduced to leadership, he thought somberly to himself. "Yeah, I'm not okay either. So no need to be sorry," he assured her quickly. He'd never been the best at masking his emotions, or lying about how he felt about anything... this included. This entire situation was deeply unsettling - where was his brother, anyway? - and he'd be surprised if anyone was totally okay with everything that was happening. "I just wanted to make sure you weren't about to.. like... have a mental breakdown on me," Corvus tried to tease lightly, not sure if he'd help lighten the mood or maybe trigger a mental breakdown anyway. Hopefully not the latter. In all honesty Theory seemed to be holding it together pretty well, even if she wasn't entirely okay.

Unsure if he'd be much help in digging up the plants - ruining them in the process seemed counter-intuitive to what they were trying to do - so he hesitantly hung back and scouted the borders of the garden, taking in any scents that touched his nose. Once he identified them he tried to remember if they'd been at the frantic meetup that Shaye had called. His focus was broken by her question, though, and he paused before answering.

Was Ibis Island the best choice? It was further away from the volcano, so that was a plus.. but he worried it maybe wasn't far enough away. None of them could know for sure, though, but it seemed like the water that separated the island from the mainland was a huge benefit. "I'm not sure it'll sustain us for long, but I don't think it's a bad choice," he answered carefully. "I think it'll keep us safe from things like... fires, but I worry we'll grow hungry quickly." Abaven's lands were generally quite fertile, and keeping everyone fed wasn't a huge struggle, even in the winter months. But the island was smaller, and though he remembered prey there when they'd visited for the festival, would it be enough? "I think it's the best choice that could've been made. Everything considered. What do you think?"