



07-26-2013, 11:24 AM
ooc: Since Sei is no longer here Reficul has been murdered.

Why... Why was this happening to her? First her family, Octavian, Bronze, now Reficul. Was somebody out there messing with her? Wanting to see the shewolf in pain, not live happy? She was finally recovering, doing good after the first three, getting over the pain and moving on, but this... this completely flipped things.

She stood with her head the lowest it has ever been, grey orbs focused on the wet ground beneath her. The two graves beside her belonged to Octavian, her brother who had ended his life after having troubles and finding out the woman he was going to ask as his mate had mated with some other man. The second belonged to Lady Adette, King Gerhardt's ex-wife. The two split after decisions were made for the kingdom, she ran off and tried killing herself but was saved. She spent time with Valhalla but soon turned mad and tried challenging Gerhardt ad with her lose asked for death...

Oh Reficul, her poor baby. Loccian had found her on the borders in Winter, shivering and alone. The pup had been abandoned by her father after her mother died, seeking a new life with another wolf for his daughter, a wolf that could take care of her. That's what Loccian was going to do, help this girl grow up strong and wise, but before anything could really happen, the life had been torn out of her...

Lips pulled back to reveal her fangs, a mixture of a growl and whine escaping her throat. Left paw pulled back, bringing up some dirt, then the right, bringing up more. Left, right, left, right, left, right. She began making the hole for the pup, wanting it to be big enough for her to be comfortable... even though she was dead... and in pieces. She continued on, and once she dug out a decent enough hole she finally came to a stop, tears already streaming down a cheek. The dirt that had managed to get into her fur turned to mud, clumping here and there, mixing with the blood that patched her jaws and neck.

Slowly she stepped back, taking a step to the side, a bolt of lightning lighting up the land, thunder rumbling just above. The whole time she managed to block out the sound of the pouring rain, but now that she looked to what was left of her child it started to slip into her ears. The drumming was comforting in a way, telling her that she was still here.

She lowered her head, jaws parting then closing gently around the scruff of Reficul. Carefully she lifted her off the ground just a few inches, turned her body around and gently lowered her into the hole before letting go. With a paw she gently readjusted how the pup lay, on the side, little paws crossed over each other. Finally she pulled away, but only to reach over to where she had been laying, grabbing a leg gently in her jaws and laying it where it should be on Reficul.

With a deep and shaky breath Loccian stood over the small hole, a few tears falling onto the pup's cheek. This was it, it would be the last time she truly saw Reficul...


Awesome table by Andy <3

Lilium (Music Box) by Elfen Lied on Grooveshark