
--Finally a place to, rest?



3 Years
09-26-2019, 11:57 AM

Willoughby uttered a murmur of agreement, too focused now on her tale that she told him to really be much use of conversation. As much as she thought it hadn’t affected her, it simply had. Whether it would continue to be a constant in her life was beyond her ability to reason right now. Part of her wanted to stay in Auster to forget the woes of the mainland, but the woman also knew she would try to help anyone who needed it. Light returned to her eyes as Serpentine expressed the same reasoning. She was a bit surprised, considering some wolves would think only of themselves in these situations. “I couldn’t agree more, Serpentine” she replied a bit brightly, recalling her former ideas of banding together to survive in this often harsh world. “I would like to find the wolves displaced by the volcano… help then in any way I could.”

But she also considered his position. He was new to Boreas and Auster, having been separated from his family. Willoughby had seen pack wolves banding together in groups for survival, so why couldn’t loners? She had spoken of finding a place to settle down. To call home. Though she didn’t think she would be of use to a pack with her constant wanderings, the woman had heard of band creation in Boreas. Cannival had spoken briefly of one, the Hjarrandi. They were less than kind, brutal even, so perhaps what this realm needed was someone to show them another path. Though she would never force her opinions on anyone, she’d welcome like-minded individuals. “I am no pack wolf,” she told the man “I like to roam a lot. Too much to settle down in one place. But I would like to help the people that need a place to call their own. There is safety in numbers, however loose the goal is.”

She took in a deep breath as she willed herself to face her own ambition. “I would like to create a band,” she told him gently “a band of wolves, either displaced or have no place to call their own. One of acceptance and peace.” She did not expect him to join her cause though. They had just met. As Serpentine moved away to scout and hunt, she would follow. The thicket was, well, thick here. But the scent of prey was plentiful enough. Willoughby had already felt the need to hunt once she scented them. Her mouth watered slightly as she glanced at the man, giving a nod if he wanted to go for it. she would support him, even if her strengths weren’t with hunting.

3/3 navigation
3/3 met new wolf (serpentine)