
i'm not okay

ft anyone



2 Years
09-26-2019, 12:56 PM

Thaddeus wasn't a very smart man. he tried his best in various situations but he couldn't think of how to explain himself to Poem. it hurt to feel different. for wolves to look at him like he was a mutt, a half-breed or completely and utterly worthless. just because he was different, looked different, acted different. they looked down on him, made him feel like he was less than a piece of shit. he hung his head, knowing the yearling didn't mean to make him feel worse so he couldn't snap back at her. she asked what he wanted, and he could not explain that either. he had never been given a chance or choice.

though she did accept his help.

he didn't raise his head; only his eyes. he wasn't the only one in pain, it would seem. "we'll find her" Thaddeus tried to sound more certain. he tried to grasp for something, some meaning. even if it was unhealthy to latch himself onto someone else and their goals. "how long she been missin' fer?" was the scent trail cold, or did it lead Poem to the west and stop here? he didn't know a lot of places here, and lots more would be limited due to the volcano erupting. he knew there were packs here from their scents. some he'd seen at the Valhalla festival. Ashen, Lirim, Valhalla... "did ye... ask t' packs round here?" maybe one of them had seen Motif.

thad is hurt and feeling down, so anyone welcome to help (and recruit) him
rated M for heavy swearing, no formal mature thread

thaddeus is rated mature due to some assumed content in his posts and history
be advised that role-playing with him can trigger others, and any thread will be marked M if it includes it