
That's Different


07-27-2013, 08:55 AM
The violet orbs that turned towards him seemed to be as deep as water pools, seeing with a look of intensity that he wasn't at all used to. The eye color alone was unusual... and he was reminded of the strange wolves of Caelum that were born with powers. Did this creature perhaps have powers too? Or were violet eyes a common color for her kind of breed? The young brute took another small step back, wavering under her gaze. Had he perhaps been more of a sound mind, he might have seen that there was no aggressiveness within that gaze. Kar was even more surprised when she spoke, his tail going between his legs.

"You can speak the language of wolves..." His words were slow. Hesitant. He didn't move from his spot as he watched the bear from afar. It didn't seem as if she was going to try coming down the slope to attack him. Perhaps then this meant he was safe? Kar swallowed slightly, taking a step forward this time. "I'm sorry to bother you, ma'am... but are there any wolf packs around here?" He was curious about her species too... though he didn't have the nerve to ask the question. If the other creature wished for him to know then she could tell him.