
we'll never be royals

ft recruitment, anyone, etc



3 Years
09-26-2019, 07:22 PM

it had been a few weeks since she had fled to Auster, but she had come to realize a goal that required her to travel once more. as much as she would have liked to stay in the southern land, Bee knew that other wolves were suffering and needed help. she was going to offer to take them in, show them how to be independent and learn new survival skills. whether this made her a band leader or not wasn't important. the ones that wanted to stay could stay. she would take who did, make them come together under peace and unity. but the ones who wanted to leave... she would wish them luck.

her paws made her travel from the Cedar Falls and Lazuli Falls all the way back west. by the time she got to the oasis, her steps were a bit heavy. she felt exhausted and gratefully dipped her head into the small pool of water. she noticed the east side of the oasis was a rock wall that would be impossible to climb in her weary state. even on her side, she could smell many wolves on the other side. unknown to her, they were from Ashen. Willoughby would try to rest here for the night. the desert could be dangerous at low temperature. attempting to settle her mind and body, she curled up near the water and looked out across the desert.

it was around late noon. plenty of daylight was left, but she wouldn't get out of the west so easily. it'd take her a few more days to travel around the battlegrounds and head north. for now, the woman would rest and recover from the still-beating shock. crimson eyes tried to see the volcano from her position, but could not even see the very tip.

"this is mainly a recruitment thread for the wayfarers
if you signed up but are not in the area realistically, Bee will be making her way NORTH
to collect some wolves. you are free to jump into this thread regardless, but it is a recruitment thread keep in mind!"

1/3 navigation (illusions oasis)
0/3 met new wolf