
first steps

ft winterfell


09-27-2019, 07:22 PM
it was still a bit dark out but it was the early morning. he was still getting used to the light and how it shone in his eyes. used to darkness up until this point, Whittaker confidently strolled out of the family den and into the ship. though he didn't exactly go far, his parents' sleeping forms were still in plain sight along with his siblings behind him. he only went as far as the doorway, peeking around the corner hesitantly. afraid to go far without anyone with him, because this would be his first time exploring the ship without being carried by his father or mother. they were all getting bigger, save for Lumi who was still a bit on the small side. their parents probably couldn't carry them around forever.

Whittaker felt himself sit down, his stubby tail curling around his legs as he looked wide-eyed across the ship's interior. there was so much to do and see, but he felt overwhelmed by that. he'd wait until Mom or Dad could show him. he was just happy enough to have this sneak peek. he listened as the wolves around him snored softly in their dens. as a child, he knew not to go off Winterfell's land yet but he didn't know the reason why. he felt safe here, untroubled by the rest of Boreas and Auster. there was some wonder in his eyes as he leaned forward to get a better look. across from the room was another. this one was empty, housing only strange contraptions he didn't know the names of.

he twisted his thick neck to glance behind him. all of his sisters and brother were still sleeping, curled up to their parents' still sleeping forms. a more adventurous pup would explore; Whittaker's growing mind thought he was being useful, standing there and keeping watch. both his parents worked really hard for the pack and deserved their sleep. he wouldn't go far. he'd be right in the line of sight if they woke up. the boy simply sat though, finding no courage to go farther than the doorway.