
first steps

ft winterfell

Polaris I


1 Year
Dire wolf

Valentines 2020Treat 2019
09-27-2019, 09:16 PM
The not so little bundle of fur was content to sleep in the warm furpile that was her parents and siblings…that is, until one of them left leaving her side cold. It was downright cruel to be born in the middle of winter, she was too young to understand that this northern weather was abnormal all she knew was that it was cold and she didn’t like it. Shivering she finally forced her eyes open, albeit only a crack to see that Whittaker was the one that had left the pile. As he looked back, her eyes closed, maybe she could go back to sleep. Of course..that wasn’t going to happen. After a moment, her eyes opened again and she lifted her head with a wide yawn.

Well, if she wasn’t going back to sleep, she might as well go see what he was doing, maybe it would distract her from the cold. Long legs and huge paws took her as quietly as she could up to him, coming to a stop next to him without a word as she looked around. Her curiosity amplified ten fold as she peaked outside of their room to the one across from it. Large ears came forward as she glanced down at Whittaker with a mischievious grin on her lips. “C’mon…lets go see whats in there.” She whispered with excitement, nudging his shoulder lightly with her own. If they were going to get in trouble for leaving the den they might as well have fun before they did.
[Image: Polaris_pixel.png]