
Cruel twist of fate



9 Years
Extra large
09-29-2019, 09:30 AM

He had been unable to really sleep since the move the pack had made to safety. Worry over his missing children made him restless and uneasy. Eurus was the only one that had made the move and the others Frost feared what may happen to them. He himself was too arthritic to try and make the trip himself to go back to the original lands of the pack and to search. Eurus had stuck close to him, even denned with him to try and help ease his mind, but it wasn’t enough. He was loosing those he loved, the first having been his Star, and now most of his kids. There had been several times that he tried to convince himself that he could make the swim on his own, and tonight he was doing the same thing.

Eurus had been out patrolling the borders, picking up slack since they were lacking in fighters. Frost slipped away from his den during this time and make his way to the shore. His hindquarters were dropped and the gait of his back legs were sloppy as he moved. He was also wearing thin since the move and his bones were beginning to protrude on his form. He was a mess to say the least and he wasn’t getting any better. He made it to the beach and stopping, back end swaying lightly. His eyes looked over the water assessing the current. It was surprisingly calm tonight, the calmest he has seen it since they arrived.

Ears were pointed forward as he wondered if that may be a sign, the go ahead that he needed to get back inland. He took a few steps forward and stopped again. Taking a slow breath he watched the water and looked towards where home was, where the rest of his kids should be. He could do this, he would do this. He was determined to find them even if it got him killed. He didn’t really know what happened next, everything happened so fast. A powerful blow to his right side threw him into the sand and with how slow his movements already were he had little time to react before the dull sharp pain shot through his neck and the world around him was drowned out.

-exit Frost Via death (attacked by a large leopard)-

"Frost Talk", & 'Frost Think'