
return of the phantom stranger

ft anyone in abaven



1 Year
09-28-2019, 03:39 PM

she had been calmly aware of the scent of approaching wolves. one that trailed behind the other perhaps, was one she had known about the most. t'was hard not to spot the little movements of the child in the brush. his dark ashen coat stuck out like a sore thumb. lowering her right limb after she cleaned below it to touch the ground, yellow gaze would look up to see another yearling with the child. the other approached unashamed, bold and confident of her position. quick was the introduction though she rather liked it was to the point.

"Rose" she gave the one she had given Shaye and Poem previously. the one she had given more wolves than the ones she gave her true one. Huntington had her own reasons for not giving her correct dubbing. one of them was that she felt any information could be used against her. and the most common reasoning was, well, it really was not their business why. finishing grooming herself with a few quick laps to the chest to smooth her fur, she sat up straight and eyed the pair neutrally.

any opportunity to expand her knowledge was a decent one to stick about. "I was given the rank of Baldrian by Shaye" no doubt Theory was aware of this, yet she repeated it for a reason "though I am not quite sure what this means or what is expected with the title" was she allowed to do more than heal wolves, for instance? train others that had potential talent? Huntington would not enjoy sticking her nose where it did not belong without some caution. her head gave a subtle tilt "you were without a healer for long?"

considering the thanks she had received, she guessed so. difficulties for all living creatures aside, the stock was woefully not up to her ideal of code. it lacked many common items she used. but there would be time to rope someone into helping her later. a hidden smile appeared on her features. hidden only in the fact it was quite fake and only for the benefit of this conversation. "I am quite pleased to be of assistance. do let me know if you need to be checked too; the burdens of leadership oft do not allow for time off." she forced a light chuckle.

"1/3 met theory
1/3 met void"